Ward Family Blog

It's a Family Thing.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Katie Snubbed


Here's a pic of Katie I found. She's looking like a total Mexican Gangster.
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Saturday, June 7, 2008

Katie Completes Alabama Tour

Katie wears "pig" hat thoughtfully provided by Grandpa Larry.

Katie and Christie have just completed an Alabama tour to see cousins and grandparents. Only one question remains; "when do we get our turn?"

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Memorial Day Weekend

The majority of our little group (minus the Yankee Hayeses and the Hartmans) gathered at the Leavell lake house to celebrate the holiday weekend. A good time was had by all!

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Christmas Katie

Here's a little video footage of Katie from Christmas with some fun background music!

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Expecting to expect

Hello Family!
Just to keep you updated, we have finished our adoption paperwork, and are waiting to be matched with a birthmother. It could take a week, or a year, so I'm not holding my breath this time. It'll happen when it should.

The paperwork and home visit (from the caseworker for the state of CT) has had me completely consumed for a few weeks, so it's good to have that part finished.

Katie calls the baby's room "BeeBee's Wooom". Three of her friends' moms just had babies, so she loves babies right now. When we see babies in public, she wants to "hold" them, "hug" them, and "kiss" them. She's in her snuggly phase.

In other news, the weather here is gorgeous, and we'll be swimming in our pool tonight, after Rob gets home. Katie is signed up for swim lessons in June. I am signed up for a painting class in July. It's one night a week for five weeks, and I CAN'T WAIT!!! I figure I'd better enjoy some of my hobbies before there's another infant in the house.

Anyway, just thought you all should know our progress. It's exciting to imagine having two children.


Saturday, May 3, 2008


Katie is still young enough not to chime "there's nothing to do"...